Education Management System.
The school management software offers industry leading school & college student enrollment system that delivers simplicity and convenience to better manage a growing number of enrollments.
Accounting software for schools empower you with the ability to manage and control your school & college accounts more effectively. It supports double entry accounting system and generates automatic financial statements…..
Property Management System.
Stability is of the utmost importance when it comes to billing and settling payments with guests. Guests today use multitude methods of settling payments, the system should accommodate multiple payment methods per reservation including cash, credit cards, check and online payment gateways.
Housekeeping is another central characteristic which a hotelier should look for in a PMS. The important thing a hotelier should look for in housekeeping is the flow of real time information. The housekeeping module should highlight the status of rooms and provide the ability to delegate chores to the housekeeping staff.In addition, …
Finance Management System.
With a financial management software package, companies have the tools and technologies they need – such as support for multiple currencies and conversions, languages, country-specific laws and guidelines.
Tracking income as it is recognized by disparate departments and business units and monitoring how funds are spent across various divisions and locations are faster, easier, and more accurate with a financial management software package. …
Human Resource Management System.
Recording all applicants records and contact information. Applicant status management. Applicants interview setup. Create Employee Application Form and Employee Record Audit Form for all applicants and keep those document records on document management system.
Company business documents management. Company legal documents management. Company holiday schedule management. Company wise health and dental care insurance benefits information. …
Inventory Management System.
When it comes to producing bar-codes, the IMS Bar-code Module and IMS 2D Bar-code Modules are the smart solution-increasing efficiency while lowering costs. We also offer complete hardware packages and customized solutions..
Assign expiration dates to items during or immediately after receiving items and more. Easily and effortlessly assign items MFG lot information at the receipt of goods or kitting …